NEWS      04. 03. 2022

PPF together with partner Matej Okáli consolidate four technology companies into its new ITIS Holding group: it will focus on the development of toll services and innovation in intelligent traffic management to support sustainability and climate protection

Prague, 4 March 2022 – PPF Group announced its intention to consolidate four technology companies from the Czech Republic and Slovakia under one strong brand. The newly established ITIS Holding will become the 100% owner of the operators of CzechToll and SkyToll electronic toll systems, the technology company TollNet and the supplier of payment solutions for carriers, PaySystem.

ITIS Holding (Intelligent Traffic and Infrastructure Solutions) is established with the ambition to profile the group in the field of intelligent transport system solutions. It focuses on innovation and advanced services linked to the need to manage and regulate traffic outside cities as well as within metropolitan areas, especially with regards to environmental aspects.

“We want to take traffic data, use advanced technologies to increase their information value, and use them for advanced traffic management with an emphasis on sustainability and climate protection. All companies in the new group have excellent references and extensive experience in their fields. PPF Group gives them the background of a strong partner, thanks to which they can jointly accelerate growth in an organic way, as well as through targeted acquisitions,“ said Robert Ševela, PPF Group’s Investment Director.

Combining the expertise of several companies should contribute, among other things, to the successful development of a new generation of toll systems based on virtual OBUs, paving the way for much wider application for passenger cars or road transport in urban and suburban areas. The new system in cities can have extensive use, where it will provide a platform for the development of services related to parking, traffic regulation or improving the flow of traffic.

“Thanks to the acquisitions of the technology company TollNet, which has developed and supplies the core of toll systems in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Slovenia, we are gaining enormous competence in the supply of necessary hardware and services, as well as in software and development. ITIS Holding integrates a wide portfolio of technologies, services and references from successful projects under one roof, “ added Matej Okáli, who was entrusted with the management of ITIS Holding as its CEO.

The beneficial owners of ITIS Holding shares will be PPF and Matej Okáli, the long-term CEO of SkyToll and, since 2019, also the CEO of CzechToll.

The transaction is subject to assessment by the antimonopoly offices in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The purchase price of individual companies is not disclosed.

Introduction of ITIS Holding subsidiaries

CzechToll was established in the PPF Group as a part of long-term strategic plans in the field of telecommunications infrastructure. CzechToll, together with the Slovak company SkyToll, built a satellite toll system, which was handed over to the Czech government and has been operated by the aforesaid company since 1 December 2019. The cutting-edge satellite toll system enables the Czech Republic to manage traffic better and manage transport infrastructure more efficiently. The cost of operating it is three times lower than the cost of operating the first generation microwave toll system, despite the fact that the scope of charging increased by 60 percent following the launch of the new system. More at .

SkyToll has worked in the area of intelligent transport information systems capable of analysing and directing traffic anywhere in the world since 2008. SkyToll was the first in the world to create a solution that combines satellite GNSS positioning technology, microwave DSRC technology for short-distance communication and mobile GSM technology for communication in mobile networks. SkyToll built and since 2010 has operated the satellite toll system in Slovakia and since 2015 also the electronic system for charging passenger cars. The company participated in the construction and commissioning of the electronic toll system in the Czech Republic in 2019 and in 2021 it built and successfully launched a the electronic vignette system in Slovenia. More information at

The technology company TollNet develops products and solutions in Prague and Benešov for companies that deal with road user charging and the operation of utilities  (energy, gas supply). TollNet is one of the largest manufacturers of on-board units in the world. More information at .

PaySystem provides cashless toll payment solutions for carriers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, for example through a Profit card issued in cooperation with the Czech Chamber of Commerce. It also provides a certified on-board unit for the Polish e-TOLL system for carriers. PaySystem develops and innovates intelligent solutions for the toll system with regards to the European Commission’s directive on EETS – European Electronic Toll Collection Service. More at .

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